I've finally reached the age of eighteen, I've waited about twenty years to turn eighteen. Haha. The last day of being seventeen I decided to visit the Getty Center, located in Los Angeles. It was a place that I had gone to quite a few times as a young child. I went to the museum again to partly celebrate my last day as a minor by visiting a place that I had gone to as a child. I was too young to understand art when I was a younger, so I decided to see if I could understand it more now that I am on the verge of being an adult...
I couldn't understand it any more than I could before, maybe I've matured in age, yet I haven't matured in my mindset yet. Becoming eighteen is a bitter sweet event, I used to be able to say, “I'm in college, and I'm still 17,” however, that is now over. Now I'm an adult, I feel that I must mature my mindset on life, that now I have more responsibilities. Starting with college I shall attempt to mature myself by becoming more responsible. I'll try my best to mature myself for the world. We'll see how things turn out.